Online Sales Policy
Online Sales Policy
The Clothes Tree by Deborah is a Full Service Specialty Store retailer with a brick & mortar physical location where customers shop daily. When you place an order on our website we will treat you with the same care and respect that we extend to our in-store customers. Unfortunately, since we will not have the opportunity to meet you in person, you will not be able to receive the full extent of our passion for customer service. However, as an online customer please be assured that:
- we will do everything possible to make sure that your order is filled in a timely basis and that your shipment will arrive exactly when and how you expected.
- we will communicate with you personally after receiving your order BEFORE you are billed.
No returns or credits will be issued for online purchases for any other reasons other than those indicated above. But have no fear; our passion is for customer service. We assure you that your experience ordering from us online can only be surpassed if you come to our store to experience our outstanding customer service in person.
Please note that the prices that you see on our website reflect the Designer’s Suggested Retail Price [MSRP]. The designers that we represent do not allow their collections to be displayed on a website for a lower price than the MSRP price that you see on our website. If you see a lower price on any other website for the exact style from the same designer than you can KNOW FOR CERTAIN that website is producing and selling counterfeit dresses or gowns of inferior quality and shipping them as originals.
If you purchase something on our website that is determined to be listed with an incorrect price we will correct the price on our website immediately and we will contact you to inform you of the error. We WILL NOT bill you until you have been informed of the corrected price. At that time you will have the opportunity to cancel your purchase or process a new order for the corrected price, which will be reflected on our website. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will we honor a price that is found to be incorrect on our website; this would be considered a breach of our agreement with our designers who do not allow their styles to be sold for a price less than their MSRP price.
If you have any questions about our Online Sales Policy or your purchase please contact us during store hours so that we can address your concerns and answer your questions personally.
Shipping Charges:
All regular priced gowns ship UPS $25 flat fee!
UPS 2-day air (Customer pays exact shipping, usually $35-$50)
UPS Overnight (Customer will pay exact shipping, usually $50-$100)All of our merchandise is carefully packaged and inspected prior to shipping. In the event that your package is damaged during shipment we ask that you immediately contact us.
All Sales are FINAL.
Thank you again for shopping with The Clothes Tree by Deborah!